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potential alternative中文是什么意思

用"potential alternative"造句"potential alternative"怎么读"potential alternative" in a sentence


  • 可能选用的方案


  • Sulfuryl fluoride - a potential alternative to methyl bromide in soil fumigation
  • In order to identify the preferred alternative in both the east of sha chau and the airport east areas a list of potential alternatives was first compiled
  • Here , four kinds of immunosensor proposed as the potential alternatives to the clinical diagnosis methods are shown as follows : the first part , a novel piezoelectric immunosensor based on plasma - polymerized film ( ppf ) and polyelectrolyte is developed for the determination of transferrin in human serum
  • As discussed elsewhere , an ever - increasing number of extracorporeal devices of varying complexity and strategies for transplantation of hepatocytes and stem cells are being developed as potential alternatives to auxiliary partial olt for providing temporary liver support in fhf
  • [ br ] as discussed elsewhere , an ever - increasing number of extracorporeal devices of varying complexity and strategies for transplantation of hepatocytes and stem cells are being developed as potential alternatives to auxiliary partial olt for providing temporary liver support in fhf
用"potential alternative"造句  
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